<aside> ⚠️ Popseekl is a curated social marketplace exploring new creative boundaries. Sellers (designers, brands or boutiques) are vetted by our curatorial team.


How to get in

While most of our roster is scouted and recruited directly by us (see below), we do have a spontaneous application form that you can fill in to get on our radar 📡

Curation at Popseekl

Curation is essential to any creative community.

Without curation, sifting through a large network like the one Popseekl aims to create can be overwhelming. Our vision is to simplify discovery by placing our community in front of the most sought-after creative talents from around the world.

However, relying on a centralized gatekeeping approach is not a viable solution. In today's world, new creative projects emerge at a lightning-fast pace, and it would be foolish to expect a single team to handle the challenge. Moreover, such an approach would reduce the multifaceted creative world to a single-sourced, biased perspective.

At Popseekl, the scouting effort of our core team is complemented by a decentralised collective of content curators. This network of people, who are deeply embedded in their creative scenes, helps us to always be on top of the talents who are shaping our culture.


<aside> ❓ More questions? Get in touch with your point of contact at our team, or drop us a line at [email protected].
